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Learn Filmmaking.

Filmmaking Academy is a free resource for anyone interested in learning Video Production.

Whether you want to pursue Video Production as a career path, start a vlog, promote your business, or simply make better Instagram videos, my goal is to provide you with the background information, techniques, and strategies necessary to be able to Practice Productively and begin developing your skills and own unique style.

I can’t make you an expert. But I can help you make yourself one.

There are no shortcuts for becoming good at something. It takes time, effort, dedication, consistency, and experience–regardless of what skill or trade you want to learn. But that’s not to say you can’t benefit from the knowledge and experience of others along the way.

Filmmaking is a complicated craft with a wide range of tools, techniques, components, and disciplines. It is equal parts science and art, technical and instinctual. My goal is to help you know what you need to know, walk you through the basics, and familiarize you with the concepts in order to give you a leg up in your journey.

The site and Youtube channel will launch in April of 2019.

I am currently in the process of writing new content, refining previous content, and producing video lessons and other content for the site. 

If you have any questions in the meantime, feel free to get in touch via the form below. 

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